
What countries can I run on and target?

Our coverage is global, and you can check out our updated traffic estimation table by country in our Advertise section. In addition AdOptim offers you a geo-targeting option for each of your campaign.

Is there a minimum deposit?

The minimum deposit in an account on AdOptim is $200. We recommend checking bid prices on some of your keywords to help you determine a monthly budget. Making bids too low will not bring you any views.

How can I use an Adoptim Free Ad coupons?

If you have received from us a coupon code for a certain Cash value, enter your account and in “Payment menu” choose “Coupons” and fill the code you have received. It is important to note that in accordance to our Terms & Conditions, if the value of the coupons is under the minimum budget of 200$, you must fill your funds to the minimum deposit in order to start a campaign. In addition, according to Terms of Use conditions, an Advertiser is able to use ONLY one coupon code per account.

Is there a minimum bid?

The minimum bid per visit, is $0.002 at AdOptim. According to the keywords, the bid will change a bit. We recommend to bid more that the minimum bid because thousands of advertisers use the AdOptim Ad Exchange, and then a lower result will come thru and no traffic will arrive at your website.

Can I get a refund?

We offer refunds for remaining balances but not for received traffic that did not convert.
We may charge an administrative fee for refunds. Refunds can take up to 1 week to process.

How can I fund my account?

AdOptim accepts all kind of credit cards (AMEX, VISA, MasterCard), Paypal’s payment and wire transfer when funding your advertiser account.

How long does it take to setup a campaign?

With our easy to use User Interface, once you have your creative and parameters ready, setting up a campaign is a matter of few minutes and using duplicating features permits to even rush this process while setting up multiple similar campaigns.

Which devices and OS do you support?

Our platform allows advertiser or publisher to support campaign targeting over most of the mobile devices (smartphones and tablets) as well most of Desktop or mobile OS (IOS, android, Windows…) and browsers (IE explorer, Chrome, Safari, Mozilla….).


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